今天收到Babson AD with little $,基本可以忽略不计;选他们家主要是看重创业,因为是第一; 还有healthcare专业方向。 Tulane,号称南方哈佛,课程设置应该还挺强大的。奖学金不详,貌似要等很久才能知道有没有奖。 我国内bioscience tech3年加上2年创业,希望毕业以后在美国工作,希望是咨询行业或者是healthcare方向的公司,积累人脉和经验,5年后希望能创业吧。烦请各位多多给点建议,看看怎么选比较好呢,最好再加上理由。谢谢了
郁闷,我让babson给拒了. 波士顿是美国创业环境最好的地方之一,还有纽约.有很多大的VC或者早期投资聚集在那里,这是我喜欢babson的原因之一.我现在正处于创业阶段,在运营一个网站ibenzi.com ,虽然我被babson拒了,有机会的话我们还是可以经常交流.我反正已经决定走创业这条路了,倒是拿到了UTD的MS in innovation and entrepreneurship ,对于没有工作经验的我来说,也不错.
Hey there,
First of all a big congratulations on your acceptances! Having to choose between two schools is a problem many people would like to have. From the rankings and from what you have told me, it seems to me that Babson is the better choice for you to get what you want out of their awesome entrepreneurial program, and it sounds like it fits you perfectly!