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[汇总] 2012年秋季入学 美国Top MBA Deadline&Essays 不断更新版

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-30 11:22:29 | 只看该作者

New York University (Stern)


New York University (Stern)


Online applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on the day of the deadline. Any mailed application material must be postmarked by the deadline date.

1st Deadline 2nd Deadline 3rd Deadline
Application Due:
November 15, 2011
January 15, 2012
March 15, 2012
Initial Notification* By:
February 15, 2012
April 1, 2012
June 1, 2012
Benefit: Priority consideration?
for merit scholarships?
and/or off-site
Provides best
opportunity to attend
Stern's admitted
student event
(Pre-View) in April

*You will receive one of three initial notifications: invitation to interview, waitlist offer or denial of admission.

International applicants:

You are encouraged to apply by the November 15 deadline to facilitate visa arrangements and to have priority consideration for off-site interviews, if desired. You may also apply for the January 15 and March 15 deadlines.

JD/MBA and MBA/MFA deadlines:

  • The application deadline for the dual JD/MBA is February 1.
  • The application deadlines for the dual MBA/MFA are on or before January 15 (Stern) and December 1 (Tisch).

Incomplete Applications:

If your application is not complete (for example, missing test scores, illegible scanned transcript, no essays or other items) you will be informed via email.?If you do not provide a completed application by the deadline, we cannot guarantee notification by the initial notification date.


Please note the following details when completing the Essays section of the Fall 2012 online application.

The following essay questions give you the opportunity to more fully present yourself to the Admissions Committee and to provide insight into your experiences, goals and thought processes. Your essays should be written entirely by you. An offer of admission will be revoked if you did not write your essays. Please note the following:

  • Essays 1, 2 and 4 must be typed and submitted using the standard U.S. 8 1/2” x 11” format, double-spaced, in 12-point font.
  • Please adhere to the essay word limits provided for each question.
  • Word limits apply to the total question. For example, your response to Essay 1 should answer part (a), part (b) and part (c) with a total maximum of 750 words.
  • Label the top of each essay with the following: Name, Date of Birth (month, day, year), Essay Number and Page Number (e.g.: Joe Applicant, January 1, 1983, Essay 1, Page 1)?

Essay 1. Professional Aspirations
(750 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

Think about the decisions you have made in your life. Answer the following:

(a) What choices have you made that led you to your current position?
(b) Why pursue an MBA at this point in your life?
(c) What is your career goal upon graduation from NYU Stern? What is your long-term career goal?

tipAdmissions Tips:

  • Listen to our?podcast:?Essays.
  • Proofread your essays carefully.
  • Make sure you have fully answered the essay questions.
  • Be genuine in your essays - tell us about the?real?you.
  • Follow the essay instructions, including word limits and font size.

Essay 2. Your Stern Experience
(500 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

We take great care to shape the Stern community with individuals who possess both intellectual and interpersonal strengths.?We seek individuals who are highly intelligent, collaborative and committed to flourishing as Stern leaders. Please answer the following questions:

(a) What is your personal experience with the Stern community? Tell us what actions you have taken to learn about us.
(b) Describe what most excites you about Stern from both an academic and extracurricular perspective.
(c) How do you anticipate making your mark on the Stern community? Be specific about the roles you will take on and the impact you hope to achieve.

tipAdmissions Tip:

Essay 3. Personal Expression
Please describe yourself to your MBA classmates. You may use almost any method to convey your message (e.g. words, illustrations). Feel free to be creative.

If you submit a non-written piece for Essay 3 (i.e., artwork or multimedia) or if you submit Essay 3 via mail, please upload a brief description of your submission with your online application.

Please note the following guidelines and restrictions:

  • Your submission becomes the property of NYU Stern and cannot be returned for any reason.

  • If you submit a written essay, it should be 500 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font. If you submit a video or audio file, it should be five minutes maximum.

  • If you prepare a multimedia submission, you may mail a CD, DVD or USB flash drive to the Admissions Office. These are the only acceptable methods of submission. Please do not submit an internet link to any websites or to a video hosting service such as YouTube.

  • The Admissions Committee reserves the right to request an alternate Essay 3 if we are unable to view your submission

  • Do not submit anything perishable (e.g. food) or any item that has been worn (e.g. clothing).

  • Mailed materials must be postmarked by the deadline date. To submit Essay 3 by mail, please follow the?mail and labeling instructions.

Essay 3 packages are subject to size restrictions.?Essays that exceed the stated?size restrictions will not be accepted for review by the Admissions Committee.?Please see the table below for the maximum package size guidelines:

Packaging Type

Dimensions: Metric

Dimensions: Non-metric


36cm x 31cm x 8cm

14” x 12” x 3”

Cylindrical tube

8cm x 91cm

3” x 36”

Triangular tube

97cm x 16cm x 16 cm x 16 cm

38” x 6” x 6” x 6”

tipAdmissions Tip:

  • Listen to Isser Gallogly, Executive Director of MBA Admissions, discuss Essay 3 on?Public Radio's "Marketplace". (Please note that we have updated Essay 3 size restrictions and accept multimedia submissions on CDs, DVDs and USB flash drives.)

Essay 4.?Additional Information?(optional)
Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. This may include current or past gaps in employment, further explanation of your undergraduate record or self-reported academic transcript(s), plans to retake the GMAT, GRE and/or TOEFL or any other relevant information.

If you are unable to submit a recommendation from your current supervisor, you must explain your reason in Essay 4.

If you are a re-applicant from last year, please explain how your candidacy has improved since your last application.

If you are applying to a dual degree program, please explain your decision to pursue a dual degree.

Uploading Formats
You may upload documents into the online application in the following formats: word, excel, PDF, .txt, .rft and .wpd.


Please note the following details when completing the Recommendations section of the online application.

Two recommendations are required with your application. Professional recommendations are strongly preferred over academic recommendations.?One recommendation must come from your current supervisor.?If a recommendation from your current supervisor cannot be included, you must provide an explanation in Essay 4.

Recommendations should come from individuals who can objectively assess your professional performance and your potential for success in Stern's MBA program and in your future career. Recommendations from family members, family friends and close friends are discouraged.

You are required to have all of your recommendations submitted online.?Our online application will prompt you to electronically send your recommenders instructions for completing and submitting our online Recommendation Form. (View or download the?Recommendation Form?for use as a reference only.)

If your recommender cannot submit an online recommendation, you must email? explain the circumstances and request approval for your recommender to submit a paper recommendation.

Submitting more than two recommendations is not necessary but allowed. Any recommendations in addition to the required two should provide the Admissions Committee with a unique perspective not provided by your first two recommenders.

tipAdmissions Tips:

  • Ask your recommenders to begin your recommendations months before they are needed. You want to give them ample time to write compelling recommendations on your behalf. You may want to provide them with materials on Stern and yourself (e.g., résumé and Essay 1) as background information.
  • Listen to our?podcast:?Recommendations.

Résumé and Work History

Please note the following details when completing your résumé and work history for the online application.

Please provide us with your most up-to-date résumé, which should include educational and professional information. If any information on your résumé changes after you have applied, you must send an updated résumé

Work History
Provide your work history separately from your résumé. Your work history should follow the format provided below and list all positions (including promotions) you have held, including employer, starting and ending dates, salary/bonus and reason for leaving, with most recent employment at the top of the page.

Any gaps in employment, including current unemployment, should be explained in Essay 4. If your employment status changes after you have applied, you must send an updated work history document and résumé

Name of Employer
Business Address
City, State, Postal Code


Dates of
(month/year -?

Starting Salary/
Ending Salary/
(in U.S. Dollars)


Work History Form?(for reference only - submit online)?

Uploading Formats

You may upload documents into the online application in the following formats: Word, Excel, .pdf, .txt, .rft and .wpd. (You may upload your self-reported or scanned transcript(s) in the formats indicated on the online application.)

Admissions Tips:

  • Listen to our podcast:?Work Experience
  • Ensure that the employers and dates of employment on your résumé match those listed in your work history.
  • Emphasize your accomplishments and contributions. Do not just list your job responsibilities.
  • Highlight your career progression at an organization by showing changes to your title or responsibilities.

International Student Supplement

Please note the following details when completing the International Student Supplement of the online application.

The cost of tuition is the same for both international and domestic students. For visa purposes, international candidates must be prepared to pay the total cost of attending Stern, including tuition, fees and living expenses. This total estimated cost is $80,151 USD (including living expenses) for the first year. Certification of this ability to fund your first year of study must be provided in the International Student Supplement. For priority consideration for merit-based scholarships, please apply by the?November 15?deadline. More information is available on the?Financial Aid?page.

The International Student Supplement?must be completed in full?by all non-U.S. citizens, including non-resident aliens (those holding F, J or trainee visas) and foreign government officials. U.S. Permanent Residents are not required to complete the International Student Supplement. The International Student Supplement is divided into three sections:

  • Visa status:?If you are currently in the United States, list the type of visa you hold and the name of your sponsor here.
  • Funding:?You must complete this section. To obtain a student visa, you must demonstrate the ability to pay for your entire first year of study in the U.S. You also will be required to indicate the source(s) of funding for your second year. The funding section of the International Student Supplement helps you start preparing for the visa application process by encouraging you to plan your finances early.?Even if you cannot fully support your first year, please indicate your sources of partial funding.?For visa purposes, you should not include potential merit-based scholarships or loans as sources of funding. International students are considered for merit scholarships and are eligible to apply for private loans.
  • Permanent Foreign Address:?According to the Federal Government SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) database regulations, all international students must provide a permanent foreign address in their country of citizenship even if they currently have a U.S. mailing address. If the mailing address you provided in Personal Information Part I is anything other than your permanent address in your country of citizenship, please provide this address in the International Student Supplement. Please do not list a Post Office box.

The information contained in the International Student Supplement does not impact your admission to NYU Stern.

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-30 11:22:33 | 只看该作者

Yale University


Yale School of Management


Application & Supplemental Materials Admissions Decision
Round 1 Oct. 6, 2011 Dec. 15, 2011
Round 2 Jan. 5, 2012 Mar. 22, 2012
Round 3 Apr. 12, 2012 May 17, 2012


This year the application will continue to contain four short answer questions of 150 words each and two longer personal statements of 500 words each.? Applicants must answer all four short answer questions.? The personal statements contain a list of three essay topics, from which you must choose two topics and answer them in essay form. If you are a reapplicant, you must answer the reapplicant question as one of your personal statement essay responses.? The questions are:

Short Answers

Please answer each of the four (4) questions below with a short paragraph of no more than 150 words. This is an opportunity to distill your core ideas, values, goals and motivations into a set of snapshots that help tell us who you are, where you are going professionally, and why. (600 words total)

1.?What are your professional goals immediately after you receive your MBA?

2.?What are your long‐ erm career aspirations?

3.?Why are you choosing to pursue an MBA? (If you plan to use your Yale MBA to make a significant change in the nature of your career, please tell us what you have done to prepare for this transition.)

4.?The intentions of our students to engage in a broad-minded business school community and to connect to an eminent and purposeful university greatly influence the Yale MBA experience. How do you plan to be involved in the Yale SOM and greater Yale communities?


You are required to submit two professional recommendations. Ideally, at least one of the recommenders should be in a position to assess your performance at your most recent job. Recommendation forms can be emailed to recommenders from the online application.

College seniors applying to the Yale School of Management are automatically considered for the Silver Scholars Program. For such applicants, one recommendation should be from an academic instructor and one should be from an employer.

Personal Statements

Choose two (2) of the following topics and answer them in essay form. Please indicate the topic number at the beginning of your essay. (500 words maximum)

1.?At the Yale School of Management, we believe the world needs leaders who:

  • - Understand organizations, teams, networks and the complex nature of leadership;
  • -?? Understand markets and competition in different contexts; and
  • - Understand the diversity of economies throughout the world and the relationships between business and society.

What experiences have you had that demonstrate your strength in one or more of these areas?

2.?What is the most difficult feedback you have received from another person or the most significant weakness you perceive in yourself? What steps have you taken to address it and how will business school contribute to this process?

3.?Imagine yourself meeting your learning team members for the first time in Orientation.? What is the most important thing your teammates should know about you?

4.??Required for reapplicants:?What steps have you taken to improve your candidacy since your last application?

In the coming month we will post our fall recruiting schedule so that you will know how you can meet us — both virtually and in person — to learn more about the Yale School of Management.? These events will include our online Application Tips Chat, which provides strategies and insights into the Yale SOM application.? In the meantime, you can learn more through this blog (which I am committed to using more frequently this year!) and our online?Discussion Board.

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-30 11:22:38 | 只看该作者

Duke University (Fuqua)


Duke University (Fuqua)


Early Action * Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Application Deadline September 29, 2011 November 1, 2011 January 4, 2012 March 8, 2012
Interview Invitations Sent By October 24, 2011 December 16, 2011 February 8, 2012 March 30, 2012
Interview Dates
(note that Durham has different dates)
November 11 - 12

January 7 - 8 &
14 - 15, 2012

February 17 - 18 &
24 - 25, 2012

April 17 - 21
Decision Notification December 5, 2011 February 1, 2012 March 20, 2012 May 4, 2012
Tuition Deposit &
Official Transcript Deadline
December 20, 2011 May 1, 2012 May 1, 2012 ** May 15, 2012
Non-refundable Tuition Deposit Amount** $3,000 USD $1,500 USD $1,500 USD $1,500 USD

*The Duke MBA Early Action option is ideal for applicants who have completed their MBA research and have decided that The Duke MBA is the best program for them. Applicants admitted in the Early Action round must submit the non-refundable $3,000 tuition deposit along with official transcript(s) by December 20, 2011. In addition, any applications submitted to other schools must be withdrawn upon an offer of admission from The Duke MBA.

**Tuition deposits must be paid by check or money order. Credit card payments cannot be accepted.


Three essay questions must be completed before submitting your application. Prepare your essays carefully. The Admissions Committee considers your responses to the questions important in the selection process. Please respond fully and concisely using 1.5 line spacing. Your response to each question should be no more than 2 pages in length, with a font size no less than 10-point.

Candidates who applied to The Duke MBA between September 2010 and May 2011 are considered re-applicants. All re-applicants are required to complete the Re-applicant Essay in addition to the Applicant Essays.

All applicants have the opportunity to submit an optional essay to explain any extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware.

Applicant Essays : Answer all 3 essay questions.

Today, companies must navigate through complex and interdependent issues. They must deal with health and security matters, environmental impact questions, and diversity and cultural concerns. Leaders need adaptability, imagination, emotional intelligence, and business acumen. Thus, Duke is in the midst of an ambitious global venture that will embed and connect us around the world, and we are seeking future leaders of consequence, who value diversity and collaborative leadership, and who aspire to impact the companies and communities of which they are a part in a lasting and positive way.

In an effort to identify, engage, and foster the development of future leaders of consequence, the Admissions Committee would like to get to know our applicants in a more holistic manner. We would like to know who you are, what has shaped you into the person you are today, and how you hope to impact both Duke and the communities of which you will be a part in the future. The essays are your opportunity to convey that to us. Please be open, genuine, and passionate. Share with us what makes you a dynamic, multi-dimensional person.

  1. Describe your vision for your career and your inspiration for pursuing this career path.
  2. How will your background, values, and non-work activities enhance the experience of other Duke MBA students and add value to Fuqua's diverse culture?
  3. Why Duke? (If you are interested in a specific concentration, joint degree, clubs or activities, please discuss how you would contribute to these in this essay.)
Optional Essay (not required)

If you feel there are extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g., unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, significant weakness in your application).

Re-applicant Essay

All re-applicants are required to complete the Re-applicant Essay. Please limit your response to two pages. Write an essay describing how you are now a stronger candidate for admission compared to the application you submitted the previous year.


We require two letters of recommendation for applicants, with the exception of re-applicants, who must submit only one additional recommendation. The most valuable recommendations come from people who know your professional skills and abilities. We encourage you to submit at least one recommendation from someone who knows you well in your current position and can critique your professional performance, such as a current supervisor. Recommendations from relatives or friends are strongly discouraged by the Admissions Committee.

If possible, we ask that you use your recommenders' work email when providing their contact information. Recommendations sent from a general email account (gmail or yahoo, for example) will be more closely monitored in our application credentials review process.

Please note that an application is not considered complete until we have received both recommendations. You are required to utilize the online Recommendation Forms associated with the online application.

About the Online Recommendation Form
You are required to utilize the online Recommendation Forms associated with the online application. Recommendations sent by mail or email to the Office of Admissions will NOT be accepted.The following questions are asked on the online recommendation form, and are posted here to help applicants select and prepare their recommenders.

  • Comment on the applicant's interpersonal skills (effectiveness in establishing and maintaining relationships; working with supervisors, peers, and subordinates; willingness to work in a team environment).
  • Description of applicant's peer group.
  • What do you consider the applicant's primary talents or strengths?
  • In what areas does the applicant need improvement or growth? If you have had the opportunity to provide the applicant with constructive feedback, please provide specific examples of the feedback and the applicant's response to it
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-30 11:22:43 | 只看该作者

University of Virginia (Darden)


University of Virginia (Darden)


Round Application
Due by
11:59 PM (EST)
Materials Charge
Oct. 17, 2011
Mid- November
Dec. 21, 2011
Feb. 28, 2012
June 6, 2012
Jan. 12, 2012
Mar. 28, 2012
May 1, 2012
June 6, 2012
Apr. 4, 2012
Late April
May 16, 2012
June 6, 2012 June 6, 2012

Please note that interview notification can take place at any time up until the decision release date for the deadline in which you have applied.

If you are offered admission, there will be several admitted student events that you can attend throughout the late winter and spring, including regional events around the country and events in Charlottesville on February 10, 2012 and April 20-21, 2012.


The following is the essay question for the Darden MBA 2011?2012 application cycle:

Share your perspective on leadership in the workplace and describe how it has been shaped by the increasing influence of globalization. (500 words maximum)

Application Requirements

Core Data

The Darden School MBA application begins with a request for demographic information, address, education, professional history and so on. The instructions are straightforward and self-explanatory.

GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test)

Applicants are required to take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). The GMAT is offered only as a computer adaptive test in the United States. Pearson VUE administers the GMAT, and Darden's program code is KC7-0X-86. We evaluate only GMAT results from tests taken prior to submission of the application. The highest score is used, but we do not combine scores from multiple tests. Scores are valid for five years. We do not require official test scores in order to process your application and get it to the committee for review. You may self-report the scores directly into your online application. If offered admission, you will need to send official documents. However, offers of admission are not binding until official scores are received. If discrepancies are found between self-reported and official scores, the offer of admission will be withdrawn. Darden will also accept a GRE score in place of the GMAT. No approval is necessary — just apply with the GRE score.


As much as 50% of a student's grade at Darden depends upon active oral participation in the classroom. The University of Virginia requires demonstrated English proficiency. The recommended way to demonstrate English proficiency is to submit a TOEFL score. Ask the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to report your TOEFL score to Darden. Darden's ETS code is 5820. The department code is 02. For more information, visit Frequently Asked Questions.


Please prepare a business résumé (as opposed to an academic CV) that includes your employment history in reverse chronological order, with titles, dates and whether you worked part-time or full-time. As part of this résumé, also include a similar education history that includes dates and degrees, listed in reverse chronological order. The résumé should not be more than one page long.


Use your best judgment in determining the appropriate length of your essays. The essay question fields are large enough for you to answer each question thoroughly. Use the essays to display your writing skills and tell us more about yourself. You will be asked to organize a persuasive argument to show us how you think about and approach business challenges. Emphasize those experiences, values and goals that are most important and meaningful to you. Be sincere and be specific. Tell us what particular experiences and expertise you will bring to the mix. View this year's application essays.


We require two recommendations that address the questions asked on our recommendation form. Additional recommendations may be submitted, but they should offer additional and valuable insight. Generally, work-related recommendations are more valuable than academic-related recommendations. All recommendations must be submitted electronically. After you have contacted the recommenders about providing the recommendation, complete the form on the recommender's page of the online application and check the "lease e-mail this person a recommendation request" beneath each recommender you wish us to contact. They will be sent an e-mail message with instructions and a web address to visit in order to complete your recommendation.


An evaluative interview is conducted by invitation only after your application has been submitted and reviewed by the Admissions Committee. Interviews play a critical role in our assessment of candidates and are required prior to acceptance into the program. An invitation to interview is a positive indicator no matter when you receive it. Candidates living in the United States must interview on Darden Grounds with a member of the Admissions staff or Student Admissions Committee. Candidates living abroad are welcome to interview on Darden Grounds, but are not expected to do so. International interviews are conducted by alumni or Admissions Committee members during recruiting trips.


We do not require official transcripts in order to process your application and get it to the committee for review. Applicants have two options for submitting a transcript. The first option is to scan the official or unofficial transcript as a PDF and upload it in the educational history section of the application. The second option is to mail us the transcript. If the applicant decides to mail the transcript instead of self-reporting the uploaded transcript on the application, we must receive it before the deadline. Our online system will not allow an applicant to submit an application without a transcript (either an uploaded scanned copy or the transcript received through the mail). Applicants who completed their education in a non-English-speaking institution will need to make arrangements to have their academic records translated and sent with the official transcript. All translations must be complete and literal versions of the original records. If offered admission, you will need to send official documents. If there are discrepancies between self-reported academic information and official transcripts, the offer of admission will be withdrawn. Offers of admission are not binding until academic records are verified.

Residency/In-State Status

The Residency section of the application requests information related to verification of residency to establish in-state status for Virginia residents. Residency status is assigned by the Virginia Status Office at the University. Visit the Virginia Status Office at the University or call (434) 982-3391 if you need more information.

Visa Information

While not a required part of the application, admitted international applicants are required to submit a supplemental Darden Request for Form I-20 outlining the financial resources available for their study in the United States. The Form I-20 must show that a student has the financial resources necessary for both years of study. Timely submission of the Darden Request for Form I-20 expedites issuance of the I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for the F-1 Student Visa. An I-20 cannot be issued until the Darden Request for Form I-20, which can be downloaded from the Admitted Student Portal, has been submitted. All I-20 documentation must be original; no photocopies or faxes are accepted. The completed Darden Request for Form I-20 and supporting documents should be mailed to:

Darden School of Business
Admissions Office
100 Darden Blvd.
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Application Fee

A non-refundable application fee of $215 must accompany the application. Online application fees must be paid by credit card (Visa or MasterCard). Credit card payments are processed through Darden's secure server using ViaKlix. Also, the application fee can be paid by check, money order or cashier's check. For application fee waiver information, visit Frequently Asked Questions.

Honor Code

Founded in 1842, the Honor System is one of the University’s most cherished institutions. Based on the principle that University students want to be trusted, the Honor System helps create and strengthen a school-wide community of trust. Students who enroll at the University benefit from the freedom and security provided by the Honor System; every student must agree to live by and support the spirit of honor. Applicants who are not prepared to embrace this freedom and accept this responsibility should not apply for admission. If you have further questions, please call the committee at (434) 924-7602 or visit the Honor Committee website. Further information on the Honor System can be found in the Darden Record. Details of the background and operation of the Honor System are fully explained during Darden Orientation.

Validity of Application Information

We expect that the information provided in, and for, an application will be valid and will accurately represent your qualifications for admission to the Darden School. If articles contained within the application are ascertained to contain invalid information or misrepresent your qualifications, sanctions will be taken, up to and including the revocation of the MBA degree.

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-30 11:22:49 | 只看该作者

University of California--Los Angeles (Anderson)


University of California--Los Angeles (Anderson)


UCLA Anderson has three-rounds in which you may apply for admission. In order to apply for a given round, you must submit your application by 9:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time(PST) on the day of the deadline. All supporting materials that are not submitted online must arrive in our office by 5:00 p.m. PST of the deadline. Any applications that are incomplete on the deadline (i.e., missing information) will be moved to the following round.

Rounds 1 and 2 are comparable in terms of your chances of admission. Round 3 is slightly more competitive, although there will be sufficient room for strong candidates. Apply at the time that is best for you.


Application deadline

Interview Decision released
26 October '11
by invitation 18 January '12
11 January '12
by invitation 28 March '12
18 April '12
by invitation 6 June '12


We are interested in getting to know applicants on both a professional and personal level. We encourage you to be introspective, genuine, and succinct. Remember that we are more concerned with the content of your essays than their form or style.

All responses to essays must be on double-spaced pages that are uploaded in document form. Please note the word limits indicated in parentheses below.

First-time applicants -- 2 required essays:


Please be introspective and authentic in your responses. Content is more important than style of delivery. We value the opportunity to learn about your life experiences, aspirations, and goals.

1. What events or?people have had the greatest influence in shaping your character and why??? (750 words)

2. Describe your short-term and long-term career goals. What is your motivation for pursuing an MBA now and how will UCLA Anderson help you to achieve your goals? (750 words)


The following essay is optional.? No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit an optional essay.

1. Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? (250 words)



Reapplicants who applied for the entering Fall 2010 or 2011 class are required to complete the following essay. Please be introspective and authentic in your response. Content is more important than style of delivery. We value the opportunity to learn more about your aspirations and goals.

1. Please describe your career progress since you last applied and ways in which you have enhanced your candidacy. Include updates on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (750 words)


You are required to provide two letters of recommendation from individuals who are well acquainted with your performance in a work setting. One of those letters should preferably be from a direct supervisor. Please do not submit more than two letters. If you have been working less than two years, you may include an academic recommendation in place of one that is work related. The title or position of the recommender is not important, but his or her ability to comment knowledgeably and specifically about you is vital. Letters from friends and co-workers are not appropriate.

If you are unable to ask your current supervisor for a letter of recommendation then you may ask another work-related source, such as a client or a manager from another department who knows your skills. You might consider asking a former boss who has left the company. We are looking for a recommendation from someone who knows your work well, preferably in a supervisory capacity.

Once you register your recommenders through the online application system, they will be sent a link via e-mail where they can complete their recommendations for you.

Please note that your online?letters of recommendation must be received?by 11:59 p.m., Pacific?Time on the day of our?deadline for the round in which you are applying?along with all the other required documents. Any applications that are incomplete by the deadline (i.e., missing information) will be moved to the following round.

Letter of Recommendation Questions*

  1. What is your relationship to the candidate and how long have you known him or her? How would you compare the candidate to others with similar responsibilities within the organization?
  2. Comment on the candidate's career progression to date.
  3. How would you describe his or her potential for professional growth and development?
  4. Comment on the candidate's aptitude for strategic thinking, leadership, and/or management.
  5. Describe how the candidate deals with challenges.
  6. Is there anything else that you would like us to know about the candidate?

*Note: Questions listed above are for your reference only.? Actual submission of letters of recommendation is done online, through the application system only.


Reapplicants who applied for the entering Fall 2010 or 2011 class are required to submit only one letter of recommendation and one essay. We will refer to your previous application when considering your admission, but a complete new application must still be submitted on-line. Begin your complete new application by?creating a new PIN.

Required Essay

Please describe your career progress since you last applied and ways in which you have enhanced your candidacy. Include updates on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (750 words)

Optional Essay

Additionally, reapplicants can also submit an optional essay.? No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit an optional essay.

1. Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? (250 words)

Reapplicants also should note that all standardized test scores (GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, et cetera) remain on file for several years, so they should not be resubmitted.

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-30 11:22:54 | 只看该作者

University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross)


University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross)


Enrollment for Fall 2012

Round I: October 10, 2011
Round II: January 4, 2012
Round III: March 1, 2012

Fall enrollment only; all deadlines for the following fall. International students are encouraged to apply in decision Round I or II.


  1. Introduce yourself to your future Ross classmates in 100 words or less.
  2. Describe your career goals. How will an MBA from Ross help you to achieve those
    goals? What is your vision for how you can make a unique contribution to the Ross
    community? (500 word maximum)
  3. Describe a time in your career when you were frustrated or disappointed. What did you
    learn from that experience? (500 word maximum)
  4. Select one of the following questions:
    • What are you most passionate about? (300 word maximum)
    • Describe a personal challenge or obstacle and why you view it as such. How
      have you dealt with it? What have you learned from it? (300 word maximum)
  5. Optional question: Is there anything else you think the Admissions Committee should
    know about you to evaluate your candidacy? (500 word maximum)

Recommendation Questions

IMPORTANT: This is NOT the official letter of recommendation, but rather a list of the questions that will be sent to the individuals you identify as your recommenders in the online application. These questions are provided to help you determine whom to request to write your recommendation letters. The actual recommendation letter and ratings form must be submitted online by your recommenders.

Once you register your recommenders on the application, an email will be sent to them with instructions on how to access the recommendation form and submit it electronically.

  1. Please describe your relationship to the applicant, and describe the circumstances under which you have known the applicant.
  2. What do you consider the applicant’s primary talents or strengths?
  3. In what areas does the applicant need improvement or growth? How would you describe the applicant’s insight into these areas?
  4. How do the applicant’s personal or professional characteristics stand out positively or negatively from others who are in a similar capacity?
  5. What one quality of the applicant do you wish all of your staff possessed? If you could change one thing about the applicant, what would it be?

Application Instructions

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-30 11:23:01 | 只看该作者

Cornell University (Johnson)


Cornell University (Johnson)


Round Application Deadline Decision Notification Deposit Deadline*
Round 1

October 12, 2011 December 20, 2011 January 31, 2012
Round 2 

November 30, 2011 February 28, 2012 March 20, 2012
Round 3 

January 25, 2012 March 27, 2012 April 17, 2012
Round 4 

March 14, 2012 April 24, 2012 May 1, 2012

Decisions: Decisions will appear on the Johnson Application page at Noon Eastern Time

Deposit Deadlines: Accepted students must submit a $1,500 enrollment deposit by Noon Eastern Time on deposit date for the round. 

*The Two-Year MBA program requires an additional $1,500 deposit payment on June 1st. The second deposit payment is due on June 1st at Noon Eastern Time.

Scholarships: Round 3 is the last round to apply for scholarship consideration.

Destination Johnson: April 8 – 10, 2011 – We encourage all accepted students to attend! 


To ensure the depth and dynamism of the Johnson School education, we seek to enroll a class composed of students whose insights are distinct and whose actions are penetrating. The essay portion of your application gives you the opportunity to candidly demonstrate your attributes and your compatibility with our rich and vibrant program.

Essay 1. What career do you plan to pursue upon completion of an MBA degree and why? (400 words) 

Essay 2. You are the author for the book of Your Life Story. Please write the table of contents for the book. (400 words)  

Essay 3. What legacy would you hope to leave as a Johnson graduate? (200 words)  

Optional Essay. Complete this essay if there is other information you would like to add regarding your candidacy. For instance, if you believe one (or more) aspect of your application (e.g., undergraduate GPA or test scores) does not accurately reflect your potential for success at the Johnson School. (400 words)

Reapplicant Essay. How did you strengthen your application since you last applied to the Johnson School? (400 words) (required for reapplicants)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-30 11:23:06 | 只看该作者

University of Texas--Austin (McCombs)


University of Texas--Austin (McCombs)


Application Deadline

Decision Notification


October 24, 2011

Week of December 19, 2011


December 5, 2011

?Week of February 20, 2012

(Final deadline for international applicants)

January 23, 2012

Week of April 9, 2012

(Final deadline for domestic applicants)

March 26, 2012

Week of May 14, 2012

*We strongly encourage applicants to apply in Round 1 or Round 2. Applying in these rounds is necessary for admissions scholarship consideration and accomodates attendance at our spring Preview Weekend admitted student event.


Note: Fall 2012 essay questions will differ from the 2011 essay questions below. They will be posted in late August. In the meantime, the questions below will still be helpful in thinking about the content you will be asked to provide for the Fall 2012 application.

Required Essays

Describe how your experiences, both personal and professional, have led you to pursue an MBA at this time. What are your short- and long-term goals and how will a Texas MBA help you achieve them??
Limit: 900 words

Discuss a defining experience in your leadership development. What did you learn from this experience about your strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
Limit: 650 words

At the McCombs School of Business, you will be part of an active and diverse community. How will you use your personal strengths and unique experiences to enrich the McCombs community during your two years in the program??
Limit: 500 words

Optional Essay

Please provide any additional information to the Admissions Committee that you believe is important and/or will address any areas of concern that will ultimately be beneficial to the committee in considering your application.?
Limit: 350 words


Here are some tips to consider as you are putting together your application for the McCombs School of Business.

The Texas MBA admissions committee carefully considers each completed application, with particular attention to personal essays, work history, post-MBA goals, undergraduate performance, letters of recommendation, extracurricular and community activities, honors and achievements and test scores.?
Personal characteristics that add to the diversity of the class may also be considered, such as country of citizenship, gender, family background, multi-lingual skills, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic history.?
Strong applications convey careful research on McCombs and enthusiasm for the program. All of these components are considered holistically; no specific weight is assigned to any criterion and no formulas are used.

Personal Essays

Essays are a critical means of assessing an applicant’s reasons and motivation for attending the McCombs School of Business, background and goals, communication skills and presentation skills.

Work Experience

We strongly recommend that MBA applicants have a minimum of two years full-time, post-baccalaureate work experience. The admissions committee is especially interested in the quality of professional skills as evidenced in applicants' level of responsibility, leadership, supervision and teamwork. The committee also considers the relevance of these skills both to the applicant's intended course of study at McCombs and to the career goals as stated in the essays.

Undergraduate and Previous Graduate Experience

The McCombs School has no mandatory minimum grade point average. For admission purposes, the Graduate and International Admissions Center calculates a G.P.A. using undergraduate, upper-division (junior- and senior-level) coursework and any graduate work already completed. McCombs does not require prior coursework in management or business administration.

Letters of Recommendation

References should come from individuals who have a superior working knowledge of the applicant, be professional in nature and should speak to the applicant's professional work, qualities, career potential and potential to succeed in the classroom.

Service, Activities and Recognition

Public, community or military service, travel experiences, extracurricular activities, hobbies or special aptitudes, and any honors or recognition received are all important indicators of an applicant's motivation and character. The most appropriate place to include this?information is typically on your resume. It is ok if your resume needs to be two pages to accommodate this information. If it warrants more explanation, the essays may also be an appropriate place to discuss these.


Test Scores: Texas accepts both the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) and the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE). All applicants are required to submit valid GMAT or GRE scores from ETS. Texas has no minimum score, but the test scores are an extremely important component of each application. You should address this application component aggressively. You are encouraged to take the GMAT or GRE early in your MBA application process so that if you do not perform as well as you would like, you have the ability to retake the exam prior to any deadlines.

You may take the GMAT or GRE as often as you wish. Texas will only consider your highest score -- the Texas MBA does not average test scores. Should you choose to apply using the GRE, simply apply with that score as no prior approval is needed.

McCombs full-time MBA GMAT code: 396-44-45
McCombs MBA GRE code: 6882

TOEFL (for International Applicants)

Applicants whose native language is not English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and have their scores submitted directly from ETS to UT Austin. UT Austin’s TOEFL school code is 6882. TOEFL scores are valid for two years.

Applicants will only be granted an automatic TOEFL waiver if they have earned an?undergraduate degree?in a country whose only official language is English. Questions regarding waivers should be sent


Having applied in a previous year is not considered a negative factor in your application. We evaluate your new application on its merits, and in the context of the new applicant pool. Consider giving yourself a fresh start when you approach your reapplication. Think through and reassess the essays, addressing any weak areas in your application. Add new information that may be helpful in the admission process.

All reapplicants are required to complete a new application, new essays, a new resume and pay the application fee. Although not required, we suggest you submit new letters of recommendation. Determine if other recommenders may provide a more insightful and thorough perspective. If you choose to use prior recommendations, please use the optional essay to let the admission committee know. Transcripts do not need to be resubmitted unless you have taken additional course work or if you applied more than one year ago.

Consider submitting updated test scores if you feel they can be improved. Regardless, as long as your test scores (GMAT/TOEFL) remain valid, you do not need to have them resent from the test centers. However, you do need to self-report them in the application. If your test scores are no longer valid you need to retake them. ETS mandates that GMAT scores are only valid for 5 years after the date the test is taken. For TOEFL scores, this period is two years. You will need to take these standardized tests again if the scores have expired or if you can improve your original score. The McCombs Admissions Committee only uses the highest submitted score in the evaluation of applications.

Campus Visits

The admissions committee strongly encourages all applicants to visit the McCombs School of Business to learn more about the school's offerings from current students, faculty and staff.

Schedule your campus visit now.?

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-30 11:23:11 | 只看该作者

Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper)


Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper)


Our admissions committee cannot begin evaluating your application until we have received all of your application materials. We encourage you to use our online application to avoid any delays in processing.

Our timetable for the Fall 2012 entering class is:

Application submitted and complete by:

  • October 24, 2011
  • January 03, 2012
  • March 05, 2012
  • April 23, 2012*
  • June 01, 2012**

Notification of decision mailed to applicant on:

  • December 19, 2011
  • March 16, 2012
  • April 30, 2012
  • May 25, 2012
  • Rolling

*April 23, 2012 deadline is reserved for U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents, as well as FlexTime and FlexMode candidates. International applicants for the FullTime MBA program must apply by March 5, 2012.

**June 01, 2012 deadline and after is reserved for FlexTime and FlexMode candidates only.

Please visit these sites for additional application information: Re-applicants - international applicants - Consortium for Graduate Study in Management.


A: What are your short-term and long-term goals? How will a Tepper MBA help you to achieve these goals. (Please include any information regarding what steps you have taken to learn more about the Tepper School.)

B. The Tepper School’s culture relies on all members to be active contributors to our community. With your values, experiences, and interests, how will you make a unique contribution to the Tepper community? Your examples may include: classroom interaction, student activities, career development, community service, etc.

C. Please answer two of the following three questions or statements. Please clearly specify which questions you are answering. Your two answers should equal a total of two pages or less.

  1. Describe an obstacle you have faced in your professional or academic life. How did you overcome this obstacle and how did it foster your development?
  2. Describe a time in which your ethics were challenged. How did you deal with the situation and what did you learn from it?
  3. One thing people would be surprised to know about me is . . .

D. Is there anything additional that you think we should know as we evaluate your application? Note: if you believe your credentials and essays represent you fairly, you should not feel obligated to answer this question. This essay is intended to provide a place for you to add information that you think is important but is not covered elsewhere in the application.

You must complete this essay if you answered “yes” to the additional information questions on the previous page.


Two letters of recommendation (.pdf) (Note: the letters of reccommendation may be completed online via the online application). These evaluations must be completed by individuals who are able to provide specific and relevant information about your intellectual ability, performance, maturity, and motivation (can be completed online through the application or mailed in sealed and signed envelopes).

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-30 11:23:17 | 只看该作者

University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)


University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)


The Admissions Committee meets November through May and manages applications in cycles. Because of heavy demand and our small class size, early application is strongly recommended. Applicants should use the following guidelines in completing the application:

? Application must be
received by midnight
Decision Release Date
(posted online by 5 p.m.)
Deposit Deadline
Deadline 1 (EA)
Oct 21 Dec 12 Jan 9
Deadline 2 Dec 2 Feb 6 Apr 23
Deadline 3 Jan 6 Mar 19 Apr 23
Deadline 4 Mar 16 Apr 30 May 14

* Requests for admissions decisions before the decision release dates cannot be granted. You are urged to apply early and to submit the personal information and resume portion of the application. UNC Kenan-Flagler's class size is small, and admission is very competitive.

The admissions office must also receive official GMAT?or GRE (if applicable) and TOEFL?scores by the application deadline in order to consider your application in that cycle.

Decisions are also posted online by 5 p.m. on the decision mailing dates.

Early Action

Our first cycle, October 21, 2011, is the Early Action deadline. Early Action is an option for applicants who know for certain that they will attend UNC Kenan-Flagler if admitted. Early Action provides applicants with the certainty of learning their decision by December 12, 2011. Admitted applicants in the Early Action cycle will be required to submit a $2,500 non-refundable enrollment deposit by January 6, 2012, in order to secure a space in the class. You should not apply for Early Action if you are not prepared to commit immediately to attending UNC.

Essays (steven木有看出这些题目和去年的区别,学校也木有明确说明这些题目是2012年入学的题目...)

Some applicants seek the MBA as a career enhancing tool to accelerate advancement in their current field. Career switchers want the MBA to help launch new career paths. UNC Kenan-Flagler recognizes each of these motivations as legitimate reasons to pursue the MBA, and we encourage both types of candidates to apply.

UNC Kenan-Flagler encourages you to assess your known talents and potential skills, understand your personal style, and confirm your values and interests. If you do this prior to beginning your MBA studies, you will be better equipped to navigate the many options the MBA program will provide. There is not enough time to do all the activities and take all the courses that will be available to you. It is important, therefore, to make your choices based on your own development plan. Think of the UNC Kenan-Flagler MBA application as a first step toward uncovering the unique attributes and goals that will inform your development plan. Please be thoughtful and reflective in your answers.

Essay One (Required)

What are the 2 or 3 strengths or characteristics that have driven your career success thus far? What are the other strengths that you would like to leverage in the future? (500 words maximum)

Essay Two (Required)

Please describe your short and long term goals post-MBA. Explain how: your professional experience has shaped these goals; why this career option appeals to you; and how you arrived at the decision that now is the time and the MBA is the appropriate degree. (500 words maximum)

Essay Three (Required)

What personal qualities or life experiences distinguish you from other applicants? How do these qualities or experiences equip you to contribute to UNC Kenan-Flagler? (500 words maximum)

Essay Four (Optional)

If your standardized test scores are low, or if you have not had coursework in core business subjects (calculus, microeconomics, statistics, financial accounting), please tell us how you plan to prepare yourself for the quantitative rigor of the MBA curriculum. (300 words maximum)

Essay Five (Optional)

Is there any other information you would like to share that is not presented elsewhere in the application?
(300 words maximum)

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