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March 30, 2010 Update 今天跑到课上旁听. 因为没有事先预约, 后来被admission office的人发email批评了一遍. OK! 言归正传:
总体情况 课上一共20个人左右, program所有人都在一起. 黄种人: 60%, 印巴人:10%, 白人:30%. 国际学生比例(猜测)30-40%. PhD背景2个, 都为工科. 大概半数为fresh/recent undergrad(猜测), 碰到一位刚移民过来的师兄, 国内4大senior auditor. 同学之间, 不同族裔和背景的人之间都很友好, 而且有team spirit, 感觉不错. 今天这门课叫investment banking, 有些同学对prof不太满意(说是目前最烂的prof), 因为此人完全做research没有industry experience.
课程 8月中到9月初的3个星期先上一门introductory course. 然后Fall, Winter, Spring每学期4门课. 周1到周4每天一节课, 每节3小时. 周5上1小时seminar (professional or research), 不算学分. 据说学习压力很大的, 每门课都有team projects. 内容以实际应用为主. current students对所学知识比较满意.
就业 Campus Day碰到过一个"Asian guy", 今天又和他聊了聊.此人加拿大本科工商管理, 很smart, 而且Type A personality, 此前拿到过Rochester Simon和LSE MSF offer(海外情况不同, local reputation > reputation in Asia, 准备回国的同学请不要参考. 本人在加拿大了解到的想回国的同学选了LSE). 他对Schulich career service评价很高, 而他重点则提到placement主要由personal attributes & skills决定. 意思应该是学校已经把该做的都做了(Schulich brand/alumni in Canada + dedicated career service professionals), 能否找到好工作就看自己了. 他本人有投行trading和央行offer. 还提过program里有位mm Fall-term就拿到IBD offer, 因为投行缺人要她立刻上班, 所以退学了. program里其他同学目前就业情况还不太了解, 没时间去问, 也不礼貌. MFin. students have access to both undergrad and MBA job postings.
我最担心的问题恐怕是业界对Master of Finance这个新degree的认可程度, 因为北美投行招analyst/associate的policy尤其是招IBD基本是本科/MBA.
------------------ March 16, 2010 Update
I paid my $2,500 deposit today because my offer will expire soon, got to buy this call option. The secretary at Graduate Admission Office said "they admit 40 to 50 people". The program director once mentioned that the target class size is going to be 30. So the secretary must mean there will be a total of 40 to 50 offers to be sent out in different batches. Best Luck for people who are still waiting!
------------------ March 5, 2010 Offer through email hours ago. Applied before Feb. 1st deadline. They didn't even interview me probably because I went to Schulich Campus Day and had lunch with MFin program director, the nice lady from HK.
Profile: Bachelor in Stat & Finance from Canada; decent GPA, GMAT: 740/5.0, no significant W.E.
Info. gained through campus day: As the program just started last August, no formal employment info is available. I met a current student (Asian guy). After undergrad, he took a year off before attending Schulich MFin. He has already secured sales/trading offer at a Canadian bank but he decided pursue a career in Bank of Canada (central bank).
This program is especially designed for those interested in the buy-side (i.e. mutual fund) rather than sell-side (i.e. IBD). However, it does lead to sales/trading at IB as said. For kids interested in IBD, do your best getting a top GPA at undergrad level and develop a Type A personality. |