难道强调的是两个人在公交车站? -- by 会员 N有许多故事 (2012/10/8 16:49:21)
没看懂、、、求详细  -- by 会员 ClaudiaJL (2012/10/9 6:36:01)
and is used to connect two nouns to form a compound subject
you should treat these two nouns as an integrated plural ones you rule is not broken here maybe a more easy way to tackle with the subject-verb agreement issue is to flip such structure(not to remember to rule without understanding);just like the example given by manhattan there is a young man at the bus stop / there are women at the bus stop (these two isolated examples are still right) -- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/9 7:27:47)
Kinda got it... Well...There is a pen and two pencils on the desk. vs There are two pencils and a pen on the desk. Am I supposed to use ARE in both two sentences above, since the word AND forms a compound subject?
Thanks a lot!! XD |