正确的句子是There are no legal limits, as there are for cod and haddock, on the size of monkfish that can be caught. 比如说,按as前后的肯定或否定两个纬度分一分有四种情况,前后都肯定的情况好理解;如果需要表示1)前后都是否定,或者需要表示2)前面肯定,后面否定,又应该怎么写呢?麻烦修改一下我写的。谢谢! 1) There are no legal limits, as there are no legal limits for cod and haddock, on the size of monkfish that can be caught. (如何省略?)
前后都表示否定,这样写没问题,不过as there are no for cod and haddock即可。
2) There are legal limits, as there are no legal limits for cod and haddock, on the size of monkfish that can be caught. (这个句子虽然和原来正确选项正好前后调一调,我总觉得不对;怎么省略呢?)
我也觉得这样的写法逻辑上怪怪的,毕竟这里as的含义是“正如”,不如用There are legal limits, which are absent for cod and haddock, on the size ...