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[梦之队日记] 最后一次机会,30天计划,背水一战!冲!!!

发表于 2012-2-16 01:42:20 | 只看该作者
叔都成老头子了,再不抓紧就game over了
-- by 会员 linuszhong (2012/2/15 18:33:27)

发表于 2012-2-16 01:43:29 | 只看该作者
GT,饭饭,h14zpsn-冰冻童鞋,还有linuszhong 童鞋,加油呐!
-- by 会员 phoebe0624 (2012/2/16 0:45:18)

发表于 2012-2-16 05:29:53 | 只看该作者
GT,饭饭,h14zpsn-冰冻童鞋,还有linuszhong 童鞋,加油呐!
-- by 会员 phoebe0624 (2012/2/16 0:45:18)

-- by 会员 h14zpsn (2012/2/16 1:34:04)

-- by 会员 泾渭不凡 (2012/2/16 1:40:15)

发表于 2012-2-16 15:43:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-2-16 16:29:45 | 只看该作者


介词短语可以作为时间状语, 地点状语,...等等对对象进行修饰. 其位置的变换可能引起歧义. 现将其判断方法总结如下: (此总结适用与介词短语处在划线部分)
A. 介词短语放置的原则: 就近修饰---修饰谁跟着谁
110. It has been estimated that the annual cost to the United States of illiteracy in lost industrial output and tax revenues is at least $20 billion a year.
(A) the annual cost to the United States of illiteracy in lost industrial output and tax revenues is at least $20 billion a year
(B) the annual cost of illiteracy to the United States is at least $20 billion a year because of lost industrial output and tax revenues
(C) illiteracy costs the United States at least $20 billion a year in lost industrial output and tax revenues
(D) $20 billion a year in lost industrial output and tax revenues is the annual cost to the United States of illiteracy(C)
(E) lost industrial output and tax revenues cost the United States at least $20 billion a year because of illiteracy
Choices A, D, and E are awkward and confused because other constructions intrude within the phrase cost... of illiteracy: for greatest clarity, cost should be followed immediately by a phrase (e.g., of illiteracy ) that identifies the nature of the cost. 既然修饰谁跟着谁, 那修饰主语的介词短语自然就跟着主语, 然后接下来便是谓语, 可这却犯了ETS的禁忌.
B. 介词短语放置的禁忌: 插在主语和谓语之间.
190. Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious reformism were the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and
the victory of the Usuli “mujtahids” in Shiite Iran and Iraq.
(A) Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious reformism were the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and
(B) Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious reformism were shown in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and also
(C) In the first period of religious reformism, manifestations of Islamic political militancy were the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, of the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and
(D) In the first period of religious reformism, manifestations of Islamic political militancy were shown in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and(E)
(E) In the first period of religious reformism, Islamic political militancy was manifested in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, and the Mahdi in the Sudan, and in
Furthermore, in A and B the in... reformism phrase has been awkwardly set between the subject and verb of the sentence.
C. 禁忌中的例外: 介词短语位于从句里面, 而整个从句修饰主语
32.   Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year were constructed in violation of the city’s building code.
(A) Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year were
(B) Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake last year had been
(C) Some buildings that the earthquake destroyed and heavily damaged last year have been
(D) Last year the earthquake destroyed or heavily damaged some buildings that have been(B)
(E) Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake had been
正确答案B中介词短语in the earthquake last year 就是封闭在that从句里, 修饰主语.
D. 若要修饰主语, 如何避免禁忌: 将介词短语提前.上面的例子190就是将In the first period of religious reformism提到句首. 但只有修饰主语的介词短语可以这么做(其实是必须这么做). 修饰其他成分的介词短语被提前会改变原文意思. 上面32中的E, last year(虽然不是介词引导, 但也是状语)本来就近修饰earthquake, 但被提前后就变成修饰整个句子.

解题技巧: a. 修饰主语以外的介词结构修饰谁跟着谁, 不能隔开或随便移动位置.
b. 修饰主语的介词结构应该提到句首, 不能插在主谓之间. 除非这个介词结构被封闭在从句或者同位语里面, 但绝对不能是单单的一个介词结构插在主谓之间.
发表于 2012-2-16 17:58:21 | 只看该作者
This post will be better called as "tales of two men and a women"
发表于 2012-2-16 18:31:29 | 只看该作者
This post will be better called as "tales of two men and a women"
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/2/16 17:58:21)

= =~!神奇...看来一直都忽视饭饭介个进度贴纸...要调侃的话也要正确滴获取信息啊...明明贴纸里面有4个人.......不知道你忽略滴素那个.....
发表于 2012-2-16 19:59:24 | 只看该作者

This post will be better called as "tales of two men and a women"
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/2/16 17:58:21)

= =~!神奇...看来一直都忽视饭饭介个进度贴纸...要调侃的话也要正确滴获取信息啊...明明贴纸里面有4个人.......不知道你忽略滴素那个.....
-- by 会员 泾渭不凡 (2012/2/16 18:31:29)

发表于 2012-2-17 10:09:11 | 只看该作者

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/2/16 19:59:24)

发表于 2012-2-17 10:10:10 | 只看该作者


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