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2008GMAT ★ MSN备考总群

 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-16 13:24:00 | 只看该作者

OG11(黄皮) CR-117
Caterpillars of all species produce an identical hormone called “juvenile hormone” that maintains feeding behavior. Only when a caterpillar has grown to the right size for pupation to take place does a special enzyme halt the production of juvenile hormone. This enzyme can be synthesized and will, on being ingested by immature caterpillars, kill them by stopping them from feeding.Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the view that it would NOT be advisable to try to eradicate agricultural pests that go through a caterpillar stage by spraying croplands with the enzyme mentioned above?
(A) Most species of caterpillar are subject to some natural predation.
(B) Many agricultural pests do not go through a caterpillar stage.
(C) Many agriculturally beneficial insects go through a caterpillar stage.
(D) Since caterpillars of different species emerge at different times, several sprayings would be necessary.
(E) Although the enzyme has been synthesized in the laboratory, no large-scale production facilities exist as yet.

这题好几个单词不认识,虽然选项没有设置太大的难度,但是花的时间太多.顺便问一下,on being ingested by immature caterpillars,为什么要用介词on?

Adult female rats who have never before encountered rat pups will start to show maternal behaviors after being confined with a pup for about seven days. This period can be considerably shortened by disabling the female’s sense of smell or by removing the scent-producing glands of the pup.
Which of the following hypotheses best explains the contrast described above?
(A) The sense of smell in adult female rats is more acute than that in rat pups.
(B) The amount of scent produced by rat pups increases when they are in the presence of a female rat that did not bear them.
(C) Female rats that have given birth are more affected by olfactory cues than are female rats that have never given birth.
(D) A female rat that has given birth shows maternal behavior toward rat pups that she did not bear more quickly than does a female rat that has never given birth.
(E) The development of a female rat’s maternal interest in a rat pup that she did not bear is inhibited by the odor of the pup.


RC-41) B选项qualified acceptance 粗心地将它理解为“高质量(完全)地接受”了,而实际意思是“有限制,有保留地接受”。

 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-16 13:27:00 | 只看该作者

With only 5 percent of the world's population,United States citizens consume 28 percent of its nonrenewable resources,drive more than one-third 0f its automobiles,and use 21 times more water per capita than Europeans do.
(A)  With
(B)  As
(C)  Being
(D)  Despite having
(E)  Although accounting for

Thomas Eakins’ powerful style and his choices of subject-the advances in modern surgery, the discipline of sport,the strains of individuals in tension with society or even with themselves-was as disturbing to his own time as it is compelling for ours.
(A)  was as disturbing to his own time as it is
(B)  were as disturbing to his own time as they are
(C)  has been as disturbing in his own time as they are
(D)  had been as disturbing in his own time as it was
(E)  have been as disturbing in his own time as
根据单复数和时态可以得出正确选项B,但没有完全理解这句话的意思,disturbing是作动词进行时,还是作形容词,还是作为名词? 选项中的as...as的对称项是什么?

What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc has been the use of the new technology to revitalize, in better sound than was ever before possible, some of the classic recorded performances of the pre-LP era.
(A)   What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc
(B)   The thing that was as remarkable as developing the compact disc
(C)   No less remarkable than the development of the compact disc
(D)   Developing the compact disc has been none the less remarkable than
(E)  Development of the compact disc has been no less remarkable as
这题的正确语序是不是 the use of the new technology has been no less remarkable than the development to ...?


发表于 2008-1-16 23:04:00 | 只看该作者


1. SC 1~113 (紫皮)


2. CR 1~20 (紫皮) 正确率 80%

3. RC 欠一篇.

4. 黄皮CR 总结了一半, 明天继续总结.


发表于 2008-1-16 23:33:00 | 只看该作者

1/15 作業

og 紫色 SC(11/50)  78%


og 紫色 SC(6/30)  80%



所以大家說的專業術語我都不懂> <




還是大家對文法都透徹了!!! orz




[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-16 23:36:41编辑过]
发表于 2008-1-17 20:52:00 | 只看该作者



作业情况:sc 33/50 66%  rc 5/5 100%


49  Reporting that one of its many problems had been the recent extended sales slump in women's apparelthe seven-store retailer said it would start a three-month liquidation sale in all of its stores

(A)  its many problems had been the recent

(B)  its many problems has been the recently

(C)  its many problems is the recently

(D)  their many problems is the recent

(E)  their many problems had been the recent

我错选了b,答案说has been有延续的意思,所以不选,但我认为就是因为有延续的延续的意思,我才选择的B。一个公司出现的问题,才引出了公司新的销售政策来消除危机,也就是说,在政策开始以前问题都是未解决的,所以应该用has been


 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-18 00:24:00 | 只看该作者

The gyrfalcon,an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction;its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970’s.
(A)  extinction;its numbers are now five times greater than
(B)  extinction;its numbers are now five times more than
(C)  extinction,their numbers now fivefold what they were
(D)  extinction,now with fivefold the numbers they had
(E)  extinction,now with numbers five times greater than
错选了E,OG的解释是逗号使得后面整句话好像在修饰extinction,有一定道理,但明显extinction是不能with numbers的,如果硬要这么说,那么正确答案A中的its也可以说是指代extinction。感觉从语法角度来讲,A和E没有什么区别,形式和理解上A更好。

Analysts blamed May's sluggish retail sales on unexciting merchandise as well as the weather, colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed sales of barbecue grills and lawn furniture
(A)  colder and wetter than was usual in some regions,which slowed
(B)  which was colder and wetter than usual in some regions,slowing
(C)  since it was colder and wetter than usually in some regions,which slowed
(D)  being colder and wetter than usually in some regions,slowing
(E)  having been colder and wetter than was usual in some regions and slowed



[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-18 2:14:01编辑过]
发表于 2008-1-18 00:36:00 | 只看该作者

1/17  homework

sc紫色81~113   4/32  82.5%


sc 99

Judge Bonham denied a motion to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day

instead of confine them to a hotel.

(A)to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day

instead of
confine them to

(B)that would have allowed members of the jury to go home at the end of each day insteadof confined to

(C)under which members of the jury are allowed to go home at the end of each day instead of confining them in

(D)that would allow members of the jury to go home at the end of the each day rather than confinement in

(E)to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day rather than be confined to

第一.這一題畫線部分應該延長至to confine them to

第二  我知道選項為E,也選對,但是對於C選項OG的解釋為members of the jury are the illogical object in confining them ,這句我不太懂它的意思,為什麼不合邏輯呢?


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-18 0:41:24编辑过]
发表于 2008-1-18 11:48:00 | 只看该作者

Jan 17 SC 1~113

     我把所有的错题花了一天时间都写在WORD 里, 结果存盘的时候出了问题, 整个文档没了...


发表于 2008-1-18 11:59:00 | 只看该作者




发表于 2008-1-18 12:01:00 | 只看该作者


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