请LZ帮忙补充一下阅读整理好好嘛 27. 大脑working memory*(谢谢Jocob) 一.文章主旨 新老观点对比,然后某人用实验证实了新观点。
二.段落大意 P1:第一篇是 working memory(WM)讲大脑记忆。先说一个理论,解释“WM”是什么,就是短暂记忆,人们平时用于记电话,读一个句子理解前后文时的短暂记忆。 提出旧观点:executive system理论,说大脑活动区域以前认为当人受某刺激时(貌似。。。),大脑的反应是在cortex(皮层)外面。且传统观点认为大脑的EXECUTIVE INFORMAITON CENTER 管理信息处理,一个区块统一负责处理很多记忆。 新观点:但好像有人(某科学家GP )提出可能是在里面/认为大脑接受信息的功能由前额后面的一个地方负责。并且分为不同的sub-regions, 一个管理information, 一个记忆appearance/如空间信息,形象信息等。每个sub-region针对不同性质的刺激,有分工。这个理论推翻了之前的理论。
P2:貌似是某实验证明确实如同那个人所说,活动在cortex里面。/说了mir的理论,用MIR这种方法来pinpoint大脑在用“WM”时的具体活动位置,实验发现:when recognize faces, the middle part of cortex is most active. (此句有题)。实验加强了第一段中新观点的理论。
三.题目 Q1. 我考到了MAIN IDEA/主旨题:这个D的发现的意义是什么。 应该就是一个新理论什么的,很好选的(本月V34狗主)
Q2.还有1道是关于 EXECUTIVE SYSTEM和那两个理论的对比还是区别之类的。
Q3.问题有一道较难 就问第二个人的发现可以用作什么的证据?/有1题是问这tech的新发现证明了什么理论是真的(来自考古,本月狗主选择与考古V1相同) V1我选的是:the middle part of cortex is most important to working memory 类似的,不知道是不是对这篇整体感觉挺难的 大家小心 V2我选新观点是对的。
Q5.问题中问如果试验出什么结果,就会greatly undermine那个女科学家的理论?
Q6. 问哪个是作者的观点? 狗主解释:就给了四个句子,从文章中都可以判断。主要要记住的就是不只有executive function在cortex,不同功能的sub-regions什么的也在cortex(本月V34狗主)
3. 第三个问那个第三段face的实验有什么作用? 进一步论证了第一段里面sub-regions也在cortex(本月V34狗主)
狗主解释:我看到前面有狗主选的是middle part is most active,我考试的时候想了半天,个人认为应该选进一步论证了第一段里面subrigions也在cortex才对
四.备注 1)这篇很短的文章开头前两句好像还是废话类似于背景那种引出话题怎么记忆电话号码之类的。 2)这一篇很多很多生词,短而难。
参考文章: Google 上找到一篇,不是原文,但很有帮助。
Working memory is the process of maintaining a limited amount of information in an active representation for a brief period of time so that it is available for use. Therefore, by de¢nition, working memory includes those processes that enable us to hold in our `mind's eye' the contents of our conscious awareness, even in the absence of sensory input. Thus, the study of working memory provides a framework for investigating the neural system underlying our awareness of stimuli, memories and knowledge that are no longer tied to perceptual events. Although the neural system responsible for working memory is known to include a large number of brain regions, there is abundant evidence from neurophysiological and lesion studies in monkeys that prefrontal cortex is a critical component (Fuster 1990; Goldman Rakic 1990). Recent brain-imaging studies, using positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have also implicated the human prefrontal cortex in working memory. However, there remain questions and somedispute about the functional organization of the human prefrontal cortex and its exact role in working memory.
Here we summarize the evidence for working memory-related activity within human prefrontal cortex. We then present evidence for domain speci¢city within frontal cortex for object working memory as opposed to spatial visual working memory. We also review evidence suggesting an additional dimension of domain speci¢city for object working memory based on whether the type of representation is analytic or image-like. In addition, we discuss evidence suggesting a third dimension for the specialization of working memory function in prefrontal cortex that distinguishes regions important for the maintenance of the contents held in working memory from regions important for the manipulation of those contents.
Finally, we consider the relationship of prefrontal areas important for working memory, both to posterior visual processing areas and to prefrontal areas associated with long-term memory.
-- by 会员 sparklelynn (2013/1/16 19:01:58)
谢谢亲。 working memory这篇跟JJ文差不多。 P1 引出wm 说可以记电话什么的。 解释了一下什么是wm。P提出了关于wm的什么theory, 认为brain active都在里层,而不是cortex(好像是 lz记不太清了 但题目有考他的理论) P2 另一个理论证明p说的正确 举了个栗子 |