Math: 1、383. 【80题补充】☆☆☆ p是一个质数的集合,n的因数里面有没有P不包括的数? (1)N比P里面的所有数都大 (2)N是P里面所有数的乘积+1 注意,楼主碰到的题目描述指明了是问n的质因数里面有没有P不包括的数?所以,楼主选的B。 2、431. DS:5^m - 4^n = 10^n ? (1) m=n (2)(m-n)(m-2)=0 楼主考试碰到的题目描述问题是这样的:5*10^m - 4*10^n = 10^n ? 下面的条件不变,楼主选的A 数学楼主感觉已经尽力,但是仍然没拿满分,平时楼主联系的时候容易眼高手低,凭感觉心算,考试已经有意克制,希望大家平时养好习惯,到考场就能游刃有余了。 Verbal: 楼主考前最后扫了一下SC的JJ,只看了两道原题,没想到中了一道,供大家参考: 18、Responding to the public's fascination with-and sometimes undue alarm over-possible threats from asteroids, a scale developed by astronomers rates the likelihood that a particular asteroid or comet may collide with Earth.
A. a scale developed by astronomers rates the likelihood that a particular asteroid or comet may B. a scale that astronomers have developed rates how likely it is for a particular asteroid or comet to C. astronomers have developed a scale to rate how likely a particular asteroid or comet will be to D. astronomers have developed a scale for rating the likelihood that a particular asteroid or comet will E. astronomers have developed a scale that rates the likelihood of a particular asteroid or comet that may. 阅读都是JJ,现在已经无比丰富,大家做好总结,因为题目有很多都是新题,不能总想着JJ的问题,否则会影响心理。 逻辑:
application is a holistic process, if you take a look at top bschool median gmat score, 710 is not a bad score at all, in fact gmat is probably one of the least important factor for chinese applicants.
application is a holistic process, if you take a look at top bschool median gmat score, 710 is not a bad score at all, in fact gmat is probably one of the least important factor for chinese applicants.