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发表于 2011-8-11 12:28:18 | 只看该作者
C.The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.
所以反例换句话说就假设了纽约和多伦多的两个孩子星座是一样的--> the same time they are born等于他们有相同的星座-->出生地差异不会影响他们的星座差异
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/8/11 12:05:02)

发表于 2011-8-11 13:05:40 | 只看该作者

C.The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.

也就是说Toronto和NY的不同地理位置决定了星座的不同 ----〉这样的话,和原文的psychologist conclusion:相同的星座不能决定性格,而相同的星座是由相同的时间决定的。

但感觉上是间接weaken conclusion,直接weaken premise。我这么又自己重新回顾了一下,是不是这个道理?
发表于 2011-8-11 13:30:56 | 只看该作者

C.The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.

也就是说Toronto和NY的不同地理位置决定了星座的不同 ----〉这样的话,和原文的psychologist conclusion:相同的星座不能决定性格,而相同的星座是由相同的时间决定的。

但感觉上是间接weaken conclusion,直接weaken premise。我这么又自己重新回顾了一下,是不是这个道理?
-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/8/11 13:05:40)

        weaken可以weaken premise也可以weaken conclusion~~ 因为weaken了premise, conclusion就自然lose credibility了 呵呵。
发表于 2011-8-11 13:38:47 | 只看该作者
恩,明确了,原来以为只能weaken conclusion,而不能weaken fact....不过这个不算是fact,因为它是为反驳前面conclusion用的例子,所以可以weaken。

发表于 2011-8-12 16:25:18 | 只看该作者
1、    45s
background:The only physical factor preventing a human journey to Mars has been weight. Carrying enough fuel to propel a conventional spacecraft to Mars and back would make even the lightest craft too heavy to be launched from Earth.
Premise:A device has recently been invented, however, that allows an otherwise conventional spacecraft to refill the craft’s fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip.
Conclusion:it is possible for people to go to Mars in a spacecraft that carries this device and then return.
Assumption:做过这题…… 答案是有足够的燃料飞回地球

2、    45s
background:Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point.
Premise:unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.
Conclusion:dentists should not fill a cavity.

  Conclusion:Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false
  Premise:However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.

 Background:We have heard a good deal in recent years about the declining importance of the two major political parties. It is the mass media, we are told, that decide the outcome of elections, not the power of the parties.
 remise: But it is worth noting that no independent or third-party candidate has won any important election in recent years, and in the last nationwide campaign, the two major parties raised and spent more money than ever before in support of their candidates and platforms
 Conclusion:It seems clear that reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.

 remise:Psychologists conducted a series of experiments to test the effect upon schoolchildren of violence in films. In the first experiment, grammar school children were shown a film that included scenes of a male teenager engaging in violent acts against others, such as punching, pushing, and kicking. During a free-play session following the film viewing, 42 percent of the children were observed to engage in one or more violent acts similar to those in the film. In a second experiment, a different group of children was shown a similar film featuring a female teenager. Only 14 percent of the children were observed behaving violently afterward.
 Conclusion:The psychologists concluded that children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown.
发表于 2011-8-15 21:56:39 | 只看该作者
background: the only problem is the weight.
Premise: carrying fuel would be too heavy to launch; a new invention to refill the craft’s fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip.
Conclusion: it is possible to carry this device and then return.
Assumption: 假设 new invention 本身不是很重
BG: filling a cavity is not a harmless procedure
Premise:cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth; many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point.
Conclusion: dentists should not fill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.
Support: 神经没有受到伤害的时候做了手术 结果不好
BG: some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities
Premise: identical twins  born at the same time have similar personalities; two individuals who born on the same day but different places, 40 years  personalities are different
Conclusion: the claim is false.
Assumption: 纽约和Toronto的环境很相似,这两个地域的不同并不影响结果。
Premise: the mass media decide the outcome of the elections, not the power of the parties, but no independent candidate has won any election in the last nationwide campaign.
Conclusion: reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.
Strengthen: 这个这个。。。没看明白。。。求解答~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GB: experiments to test the effect upon violence in films.
Premise:1.male teenager:42% of the children were observed to engage in other violent acts similar to those in the film
      2.female teenager: 14% of the children were observed to engage in other violent acts similar to those in the film.
Conclusion: children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown
Weaken: 男孩更容易模仿暴力的场景,女孩也会模仿,只不过不是暴力的场景,或不太会在游戏中体现出来(呃。。。参考了之前各位的解答。。。)
发表于 2011-8-16 17:07:20 | 只看该作者
1. NO1  FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q12 36s
The only physical factor preventing a human journey to Mars has been weight. Carrying enough fuel to propel a conventional spacecraft to Mars and back would make even the lightest craft too heavy to be launched from Earth. A device has recently been invented, however, that allows an otherwise conventional spacecraft to refill the craft’s fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip. Therefore, it is possible for people to go to Mars in a spacecraft that carries this device and then return.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
假设:这个新装置是可行的,而且除了The only physical factor,没有其他阻碍人们去火星

2. NO2 FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q15 30s
Dental researcher: Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point. Therefore, dentists should not fill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most strongly supports the researcher’s reasoning?

3. NO3 FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q17  35s
Psychologist: Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical twins---who are, of course, born at practically the same time---often do have similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist’s argument depends?

4. NO4 CR大全 不含OG版  TESTC Q2   45s没有读完
We have heard a good deal in recent years about the declining importance of the two major political parties. It is the mass media, we are told, that decide the outcome of elections, not the power of the parties. But it is worth noting that no independent or third-party candidate has won any important election in recent years, and in the last nationwide campaign, the two major parties raised and spent more money than ever before in support of their candidates and platforms. It seems clear that reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?
it is worth noting that值得注意的是
PS:刚看的时候不明白第一句话在题干里啥作用, Lawyer的解释:原文结论是说这两个主要政党立即要消失的报道为时过早。原文有两个证据:还没有独立或第三党候选人;最近的普选两个党投了很多钱(可以给媒体,而媒体可以决定选举结果)。

5. NO5 CR大全 不含OG版  TESTC Q3  45s
Psychologists conducted a series of experiments to test the effect upon schoolchildren of violence in films. In the first experiment, grammar school children were shown a film that included scenes of a male teenager engaging in violent acts against others, such as punching, pushing, and kicking. During a free-play session following the film viewing, 42 percent of the children were observed to engage in one or more violent acts similar to those in the film. In a second experiment, a different group of children was shown a similar film featuring a female teenager. Only 14 percent of the children were observed behaving violently afterward. The psychologists concluded that children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the psychologists’ conclusion?
grammar school 初级中学
发表于 2011-8-31 16:24:32 | 只看该作者







我们最近听说了近期两大党的重要性降低。是大众传媒决定了选举的结果。but这个无济于事 没有一个独立的各体或第三党在近些年赢过选举。且在最近的全国运动中,两大党在支持他们各自的参与者中比以前投入了更多的金钱。


心理学家做了一组实验。在第一个实验中 , grammar school children 观看了一个包含男性青少年暴力的电影,42%children 被观察到 engage in one or more violent acts similar to those in the film
在第二个实验中,a different group of children 观看了类似的电影,女性青少年暴力。只有14%的observed behaving violently afterward

削弱:grammar school children和a different group of children不是同一组实验对象
发表于 2011-11-5 03:13:58 | 只看该作者




发表于 2012-2-15 13:52:59 | 只看该作者
1.background: the most important problem to carry astronauts to MARS is weight
                       we don't have enough fuel for the lightest spacecraft to get to and return from MARS
  premise: a new device can refuel the spacecraft when it return from the MARS

  conclusion: we can finish the jouney to MARS
assumption: 这个新东西可以载那么多油到指定地点进行refuel           错了  是otherwise不是 other!!!
2. premis: 修复有洞的牙齿可能会损害到其他健康的牙齿 所以修复牙齿并不是无害的
          所以牙医应该在确认有洞的牙齿会对神经造成伤害后再进行修复  结论记错了 。。。。。

3 两个人同时出生 但是不在痛一个医院 他们有着相同的hometele。。。 但是却表现出来不同的性格  
 结论 星座并不带表相同性格
 假设:不在同一个地方出生 但是同时也有着相同的heme。。

4.超时而且每照到逻辑 我擦。。。过去两年没有个人或者小团体花钱赢得过竞选  
结论 这两个政党正在衰退。。。。。

5.心理学家做了两组实验,一组是给孩子们看男性暴力电影  百分之47的孩子后来又模仿行为,另一组是分开了看女性暴力电影  百分之14后来有模仿行为
  结论  男性的暴力模型更加容易让孩子模仿

削弱:两组孩子本身的不同   一个是GRAMMER  一组是。。。
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