54. (33519-!-item-!-188;#058&007577) The pharmaceutical industry argues that because new drugs will not be developed unless heavy development costs can be recouped in later sales, the current 20 years of protection provided by patents should be extended in the case of newly developed drugs. However, in other industries new-product development continues despite high development costs, a fact that indicates that the extension is unnecessary. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the pharmaceutical industry's argument against the challenge made above? (C) There are several industries in which the ratio of research and development costs to revenues is higher than it is in the pharmaceutical industry. (D) An existing patent for a drug does not legally prevent pharmaceutical companies from bringing to market alternative drugs, provided they are sufficiently dissimilar to the patented drug. 答案是D 我想请问 : 1. future access to……improved 是指『药物变便宜所以更负担得起.更普遍?』还是『不断有新药问世/上市?』,按题目前两句我觉得是前者 2.(C)说某些制药的过程也可以被patented. 是否暗示着就算取消drugs的专利. 制程也有专利. 按题目前提前述『取得专利导致高价』,所以给予制程专利=高价,不也算是weaken吗? 3.如果照(D)的前提成立,那原题那个不准提供专利的国家,制药公司怎么能够推出新药呢?