26yrs old. G710 T103. Entrepreneur and family business, started full-time work since 2006. Worked in small consulting firms before and now in real estate and food industry. Worked in US, China, and Taiwan. Good extracurriculum activities. Hope can find a strategy-related job to work for 1-2 years in UK/Europe/US after graduation and back to Asia globalizing my company and takeover family business. I care more about reputation all over the world, especially in Asia since brand name and alumni network will play important roles in my future planning. MBS is somehow like gambling, and it seems really easy to get in. However, WBS has its unbeatable reputation in UK, but I am wondering how about outside UK? Will it like HEC? -- by 会员 jolie215 (2011/11/21 11:18:19)
lz经历很丰富,比较符合LBS的diversity要求。G申请英国学校足够了,T不清楚。 但我有几个问题啊: lz在美国和台湾的工作是全职还是实习? lz现在同时在real estate和food industry?都是自己的公司么? 另外lz本科毕业院校什么水平?有些MBA比较讲究出身。 如果lz想毕业留在英国,基本只能申请LBS了,其他的比较有难度。 既然lz想将自己和家族企业全球化,就是说自己做老板呗,为啥还那么重视名气?找个alumni network强的就好吧? |