A new leaf has been turned! It might be a dim dream to leave an inscription in the River of Time, but we’d like to make a few comments when we are about to start our CK MBA life in the coming October, 2007. We learned the “ABC discipline”, which means “Appreciate, Benefit and Contribute”, from our predecessors. Amusing it is, when the idea first came to us, but from now on, we are part of the unity who is responsible to cherish and cultivate the spirit. We have no doubt that the identity over the CK values and culture which magnetize us through our past application & decision-making would be reinforced and sublimed during our forthcoming learning experience in helping us grow to be more complete CKer’s. Clear goals we have already had in our mind: --sharpen our ability to cut through complexities and identify the nugget of opportunity; --think as a respectful business leader does, learn what questions to ask and what information matters; --know when to sit back and listen carefully to others talking and when to jump in with your own ideas/relevant information; --our preparation shall be carefully orchestrated and integrated across the temperamental and inspirational transition; All in all, it’s experiential, light years from mere books & lectures.
“思天天思,学经世学,为人人为。”从选择了长江的那一天开始,我们愈加严肃地拷问自己:我要做什么,我能做什么,我应该做什么? “古今中外,东西文化;取其精华,去其糟粕”,都可为我所用。 各种思想的碰撞带来的是顿悟的澄澈和“朝闻道,夕死可也”的满足,妙不可言: 徐子曰:“仲尼亟称于水,曰:‘水哉,水哉!何取于水也?” 孟子曰:“源泉混混,不舍昼夜,盈科而后进,放乎四海。有本者如是,是之取尔。苟为无本,七八月之间雨集,沟浍皆盈;其涸也,可立而待也。故声闻过情,君子耻之。” 佛家云:当性灵进入了清澈透明的境界,就会拥有常人无法企及的学习速度。因为内心清澈,别无旁鹜,就可以比别人十倍地集中注意力于某事。人与人之间之所以优劣那么明显,并不是因为智慧真的相差那么悬殊,而是因为大家在使用智慧时的着力点不同。着力点过多,则智慧再多,也将由于过于分散而一事无成;着力点少而专,则可以事半功倍。 《圣经》中巴别塔的故事很有深意:神不愿人类建造通天的巴别塔,于是让他们操不同的语言,无法沟通。但千万不要以为有了翻译,巴别塔就能建成了。最难的是,人们能虚心地放下“相信”,寻求理解么?这也许是沟通的极限所在。 此数番论述,颇可鉴我们为学为人! 进入长江仅仅是起点,而非终点;我们十分清楚,MBA的学习并非是泛舟湖上,轻松惬意,但我们信心十足,无所畏惧,因为我们知道一味强调快马加鞭并非长江的风格,和谐发展和互助提高才是“大江胸怀”的题中之意;我相信,我们在选择长江过程中所积累起来的对于长江文化和价值观的认同感必将在未来的学习中不断得到强化和升华,从而把我们塑造成更为完整的“长江人”。 There is no real failure except in no longer trying. Past is history, tomorrow is mystery, but today is the gift from the Heaven—that’s why today is called “present”.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-14 21:54:49编辑过] |